
ACA Communities is a company dedicated to providing a range of services and support to adults with intellectual disabilities. They needed a multipurpose office to serve as a physical workplace for employees as well as a welcoming environment for clients and volunteers.

Our goal was to create a space built on the foundation of their caring nature and welcoming attitude that would incorporate the idea of their mission statement: Growing together in a community that cares.

We designed the ACA renovation project to take a dilapidated multi-office facility and purposefully convert it into an open, inviting workspace to enrich and promote community interaction among clients, volunteers and employees. Our design reconfigured the space into three main sections: a large open office area to encourage a more social work environment, a seminar room for training community members, and a lounge to facilitate socialization and interaction. Using translucent wall panels, we created the perfect balance of openness while maintaining a respectful separation between the different zones. Continuous window walls maximize natural light throughout, expanding the visible depth of each area for a less restrictive feel and joining the indoor space with the adjacent lawn. Together, all the elements form an environment that feels less like a stereotypical office setting and more like an open area dedicated to community engagement.